
Club at school

A tailor-made program & more learning opportunities

The Basisclub offers schools support in tutoring primary school students who, with the proper guidance, have a better chance in reaching their true potential. Through personal and professional attention, the students get a grip on subjects that are difficult for them and/or they are challenged to improve their capacity to break down tasks. This will allow them to handle a next level. In addition to tutoring students in the school’s curriculum, extensive attention is also paid to increasing their self-confidence and improving their overall work attitude.

During school hours

During school hours, individual tutoring moments or remedial teaching in groups are organized at school. The advantage of working with small groups (2-3 students) is that the students receive the extra attention they need. In addition, they can practice working independently and applying the newly acquired skills. Furthermore, it is important for students to experience that they are not the only ones who need extra practice. 

After school

In addition to supervision during school hours, sessions can also be organized after school. Basisclub afternoon sessions are meetups where students work on their personal learning goals or as a homework club where students receive one-on-one tutoring to finish their homework. It is also possible to design groups of up to 8 students around a common goal. In practice we notice that these are usually aimed at improving study skills or reading comprehension, but we have also organized a math club in the past.

Naast de Basisclub is er ook de Dutchclub waarbij de focus ligt op het verbeteren van de Nederlandse taalvaardigheid. Met name het zelfvertrouwen vergroten bij het Nederlands spreken, het correct uitspreken van de woorden en het uitbreiden van de woordenschat staat hierbij centraal. Ook voor NT2 leerlingen kan de Dutchclub ondersteuning verzorgen. Het is mogelijk onder schooltijd gebruik te maken van de persoonlijke en positieve begeleiding van de Dutchclub of om naschools de Dutchclub op locatie (school) aan te bieden. Ook kunnen leerlingen doorverwezen worden naar de Basisclub en daar naschools naar toe gaan.

Here staat een overzicht van uiteenlopende hulpvragen waarbij de Basisclub of Dutchclub kan ondersteunen.


Curious about what we can do for your school?

Contact us at voor meer informatie over Basisclub en Dutchclub op school.
